28 Apr 2020 - XR Italia
In un momento difficile come quello che tutte e tutti noi stanno affrontando a causa della diffusione del Coronavirus su scala globale, numerose aziende hanno iniziato ad offrire il loro aiuto per poter fronteggiare questa crisi nel modo migliore possibile.
Tra i numerosi contributi che abbiamo avuto l’opportunità di apprezzare, vi sono anche quelli dell’azienda automobilistica Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA). Il gruppo italo-americano, infatti, rientra nella lista di enti attraverso i quali la famiglia Agnelli ha donato 10 milioni di euro al Dipartimento della Protezione Civile e a La Stampa – Specchio dei Tempi, acquistando inoltre materiale sanitario e iniziando a produrre mascherine nei propri stabilimenti asiatici, con il fine di aiutare il sistema sanitario nazionale nella risposta emergenziale alla diffusione del COVID-19.1 Un secondo contributo che ha riscosso un particolare successo mediatico è stata la diffusione di un video dal titolo “Inno alle strade” 2, accompagnato dall’hashtag #noicisiamo, il cui obiettivo sembra quello di voler lanciare un messaggio di impegno sociale da parte dell’azienda, richiamando e valorizzando “la bellezza italiana, ricca di solidarietà, etica e orgoglio”.
Come dimostrato da numerosi studi, la diffusione del COVID-19 è conseguenza di un fenomeno conosciuto come spillover, “salto di specie” 3, a sua volta influenzato dall’impatto delle attività umane sugli ecosistemi naturali [ibidem]. Allo stesso tempo è oramai noto come la crisi climatica e il collasso degli ecosistemi possano potenzialmente favorire la diffusione di patogeni e l’insorgere di nuove epidemie 4. Inoltre, studi recenti sembrano suggerire come l’inquinamento dell’aria sia direttamente collegato ad un maggior numero di morti da COVID-19 5; 6
Analizzando la lista delle grandi società che in questi anni si sono opposte, o hanno tentato di sabotare le iniziative per ridurre le emissioni di gas serra, le case automobilistiche risultano essere tra i principali oppositori delle politiche ambientali volte a contrastare la crisi climatica ed ecologica 7. Negli ultimi anni, secondo uno studio dell’European Environmental Agency (EEA) le emissioni climalteranti prodotte dalle automobili in Europa hanno continuato ad aumentare 8. A tal proposito, secondo una recente indagine del The Guardian 7, dal 2015 – anno dagli Accordi di Parigi - FCA è stata definita come l’azienda automobilistica più ostile alle normative riguardo la limitazione del riscaldamento globale a 1.5 ° C, come richiesto ripetutamente dalla comunità scientifica 9.
In particolare:
Accogliamo con enorme piacere l’impegno mostrato dell’azienda italo-statunitense per proteggere la vita di fronte alla rapida diffusione del Coronavirus. Tuttavia, alla luce dell’enorme impatto ambientale di FCA su scala globale, ci aspettiamo che l’impegno a proteggere la vita venga esteso all’intero sistema produttivo aziendale.
Con l’azione digitale che avrà luogo oggi, Extinction Rebellion Italy chiede che FCA si impegni immediatamente a non anteporre i propri profitti alla sicurezza delle future generazioni e ad azzerare le proprie emissioni per far fronte ad una delle minacce più grandi che l’umanità intera si trova a dover combattere: il collasso degli ecosistemi.
Con Amore e Rabbia,
Extinction Rebellion Italia
In a trying time such as the one we are all living through because of the spread of Coronavirus on a global scale, several companies have started offering their help to face this crisis in the best way possible.
Among the many contributions that we were able to enjoy, there is also the one from the automotive company Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA). Indeed, the Italo-American group appears on the list of companies through which the Agnelli family has donated 10 million euro to the Dipartimento della Protezione Civile (Department of civil protection) and to La Stampa - Specchio dei tempi, additionally buying sanitary equipment and beginning to produce face masks in its Asian establishments to help the national health system in the response to the COVID-19 emergency 1. A second contribution that enjoyed extremely positive media attention was the broadcasting of the video “An Anthem to the streets” 2 followed by the hashtag #noicisiamo (we are here). Its objective seemed to be that of delivering a message of social engagement on the company’s part, by appealing to and emphasizing “Italian beauty, full of solidarity, ethics and pride”.
As shown by numerous studies, the spread of COVID-19 is a consequence of a phenomenon known as zoonotic spillover3, which is in turn influenced by the impact of human activity on natural ecosystems [ibidem]. At the same time, it is now universally acknowledged that the climate crisis and the collapse of ecosystems can potentially favour the spread of pathogens and the onset of new epidemics 4. Furthermore, recent studies seem to suggest that air pollution is directly linked to a larger number of COVID-19 deaths 5; 6.
When analyzing the list of big companies that have, in recent years, opposed, or tried to sabotage, initiatives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, automotive companies appear among the main opposers of environmental policies aiming to counter the climate and ecological crisis 7. According to a study published by the European Environmental Agency (EEA), greenhouse gas emissions produced by cars in Europe in the last few years have kept climbing 8. On that note, according to a recent investigation by The Guardian 7, FCA has been, since 2015 - year of the Paris Agreement -, defined as the car company most hostile to regulations to keep global warming below 1.5ºC compared to pre-industrial levels, for which the scientific community has repeatedly called 9.
In particular:
In 2017, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) filed a Clean Air Act violation notice addressed to FCA. The company allegedly did not declare the installation of an illegal software to control the nitric oxide (NO) emissions, therefore allowing over 100.000 diesel vehicles to pass the government emissions tests and pollute above legal limits. Notoriously, NO pollution contributes to high levels of nitrogen dioxide in the atmosphere, of ozone at ground level and of fine particulate concentration. Exposure to these polluting substances has been linked several times to a series of severe consequences on human health, such as an increase in asthma episodes and other respiratory diseases. Furthermore, exposure to ozone and particulate is associated with respiratory or cardiovascular problems, potentially deadly. More specifically, children, elderly and people with underlying respiratory diseases are particularly at risk 10
For the same reason, in September 2019, one of FCA’s senior managers was arrested on charges of conspiracy, fraud, violation of federal law and false declaration on the emission monitoring system 11.
In 2018, FCA was the automotive company that registered the highest emissions per vehicle (305m tons CO2eq) 12.
In 2019, FCA backed and supported Donald Trump in the fight against California’s autonomy on drafting regulation for polluting emissions from cars (which would have led to stricter regulation) 13.
We welcome with extreme pleasure the commitment shown by the Italo-American company to protect life in the face of the rapid spread of Coronavirus. Nonetheless, in light of FCA’s enormous environmental impact on a global scale, we expect that this commitment to protecting life be extended to the company’s entire productive system.
With the digital action that will take place today, Extinction Rebellion Italy demands that FCA immediately commits to not placing its profits ahead of the safety of future generations and bringing its emissions to net zero to face one of the greatest threats that humanity has ever known: the collapse of ecosystems.
With Love and Rage,
Extinction Rebellion Italy
https://torino.repubblica.it/cronaca/2020/03/17/news/coronavirus_la_famiglia_agnelli_dona_10_milioni_ e_150_respiratori_alla_protezione_civile-251539852/ ↩ ↩2
https://video.repubblica.it/dossier/coronavirus-wuhan-2020/coronavirus-l-inno-di-fca-alle-stradevuote-italiane-sono-piene-di-speranza/356621/357186 ↩ ↩2
https://d24qi7hsckwe9l.cloudfront.net/downloads/pandemie_e_distruzione_degli_ecosistemi.pdf ↩ ↩2
https://d24qi7hsckwe9l.cloudfront.net/downloads/cambiamento_climatico_e_salute.pdf ↩ ↩2
https://www.sciencedirect.com/…/artic…/pii/S0269749120320601 ↩ ↩2
https://www.medrxiv.org/conte…/10.1101/2020.04.05.20054502v1 ↩ ↩2
https://influencemap.org/report/Corporate-Climate-Policy-Footpint-2019-the-50-Most-Influential-7d09a06d9c4e602a3d2f5c1ae13301b8 ↩ ↩2 ↩3 ↩4
https://www.eea.europa.eu/highlights/average-co2-emissions-from-new ↩ ↩2
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-fiat-chrysler-emissions-idUSKBN1W9217 ↩ ↩2
https://es.greenpeace.org/es/wpcontent/uploads/sites/3/2019/09/gp_cleanairnow_carindustryreport_full_v5_0919_72ppi_0.pdf ↩ ↩2
https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/28/climate/general-motors-california-emissions-trump.html ↩ ↩2